Thursday, January 22, 2015

Official Christmas Letter Of the Purcell For 2014

This is The Official Christmas Letter From The Purcells For 2014 - Our life this year has been like the taking of this family photo: The picture looks, well, picturesque, but with closer examination you will notice 1) It’s slightly out of focus. 2) Lily is crying after Fauneil pulled back her hair and accidentally poked her ear. 3) We are FREEZING! We hide it well, but the wind was fierce and the air frigid. 4) There was no snow for our “winter/Christmas” photo like I wanted - despite the fact that there was snow at that spot for weeks before. 5 ) I forgot to put the SD card in the camera so the memory got full after only two pictures (and the battery went dead), so we had to pick from the two photos that we got...BUT, once we got home in pleasant warmth we forgot about the camera mishaps, the cold and the poked ear. We got happy again. Isn't that how life works? So has been our 2014: up, down, up, down, up, down, up! Yet, through all the ups and downs, we have come to the end of each day being grateful for each other, the beautiful place we have to live and for friends and family. Thanks for sharing this roller coaster with us via Facebook, personal interactions, emails and letters. We love you all.
The Purcells

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