Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Where I Bleach My Hair For the First Time In 43 Years : How To Be Dedicated To Your Halloween Costume

I usually get pretty crazy about my Halloween costumes. Not always sure if this is a good thing. Here is a pic. from my Jimi Hendrix costume two years ago. You see what I mean? I grew my hair out for a year and rubbed dirt in it to get that Jimi Hendrix "look."

This year, I bought a bunch of crazy clothes at good will and decided to bleach my hair - something I have never done in my 43 years. This is my before pic.

I consulted my local beauty supply store (I had only been in once before, years ago, to buy a spray bottle. I don't frequent that place). Anyway, they told me to use this Quick Blue stuff. 

I mixed it up in an old cottage cheese container (man this stuff stinks).

I used rubber glove, of course. I didn't want to burn my skin...

 Of course my scalp didn't get a break (this stuff stings! I got the 40 developer).

Here's the start of the application process. I realized that I can't see the back of my head. Oh crap! What am I going to do? I should of had my wife help me, but she's gone now. Shoot!

I scrambled to find her hand held mirror. Dang! Not in any of these drawers. 

How do you like the look? My face is burning.

The instructions say "DO NOT MASSAGE MIXTURE INTO SCALP." Oops! Too late. Guess I should have read them more carefully. If I die of brain cancer in a few years, you will know why.

While my hair was bleaching, I made chili for our Halloween party tonight...

Washed dishes and did other household chores. 

I decided to leave it in for the full, allowable, 50 minutes. 

Look like I need some touch-up.

And here you go. My after pic.

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